# | Name dt. | Name wiss. | Krz. | Name engl. | # Ticks |
-8410 | Gabelracke | Coracias caudatus | gbr | Lilac-breasted roller | 1 |
20 | Sterntaucher | Gavia stellata | Stt | Red-throated Diver | 59 |
21 | Eistaucher | Gavia Immer | eit | Great Northern Loon | 37 |
30 | Prachttaucher | Gavia arctica | PrT | Black-throated Loon | 47 |
70 | Zwergtaucher | Tachybaptus ruficollis | Zt | Little Grebe | 543 |
90 | Haubentaucher | Podiceps cristatus | Ht | Great Crested Grebe | 481 |
100 | Rothalstaucher | Podiceps grisegena | Rht | Red-necked Grebe | 100 |
110 | Ohrentaucher | Podiceps auritus | Ot | Horned Grebe | 49 |
120 | Schwarzhalstaucher | Podiceps nigricollis | Sht | Black-necked Grebe | 122 |
701 | Graukopfkasarka | Tadorna cana | GrKK | South African Shelduck | 11 |
710 | Basstölpel | Sula bassana | Btö | Gannet | 20 |
720 | Kormoran | Phalacrocorax carbo | Ko | Great Cormorant | 696 |
721 | Zwergscharbe | Microcarbo pygmeus | zws | Pygmy Kormorant | 7 |
800 | Krähenscharbe | Phalacrocorax Aristotelis | KrScha | European Shag | 20 |
950 | Rohrdommel | Botaurus stellaris | Rod | Eurasian Bittern | 105 |
980 | Zwergdommel | Ixobrychus minutus | Zd | Little Bittern | 18 |
999 | Heiliger Ibis | Threskiornis aethiopicus | HlI | African Sacred Ibis | 26 |
999 | Kuhreiher | Bubulcus ibis | Khr | Cattle Egret | 40 |
999 | Zwergsäger | Mergellus albellus | Zws | Smew | 176 |
1040 | Nachtreiher | Nycticorax nycticorax | Nr | Black-crowned Night Heron | 23 |
1080 | Rallenreiher | Ardeola Ralloides | Rallr | Squacco Heron | 12 |
1190 | Seidenreiher | Egretta garzetta | Sre | Little Egret | 75 |
1210 | Silberreiher | Casmerodius albus | Sir | Silver Heron | 605 |
1220 | Graureiher | Ardea cinerea | Grr | Grey Heron | 797 |
1220 | Goliathreiher | Ardea goliath | gor | Goliath heron | 2 |
1221 | Schwarzhalsreiher | Ardea melanocephala | shr | Black- necked heron | 0 |
1240 | Purpurreiher | Ardea purpurea | Pr | Purple Heron | 33 |
1310 | Schwarzstorch | Ciconia nigra | Sst | Black Stork | 144 |
1340 | Weißstorch | Ciconia ciconia | Ws | White Stork | 544 |
1345 | Marabu | Leptoptilos crumeniferus | mara | Marabou stork | 1 |
1345 | Nimmersatt | Mycteria ibis | nms | Yellow-billed stork | 1 |
1345 | Pfau | Pavo cristatus | Pf | Indian peafowl | 5 |
1365 | Graukopfgans | Chloephaga poliocephala | Gkg | ashy-headed goose | 3 |
1440 | Löffler | Platalea leucorodia | Lf | Eurasian Spoonbill | 128 |
1470 | Kubaflamingo | Phoenicopterus ruber | Kfl | Caribbean Flamingo | 23 |
1470 | Zwergflamingo | Cinnyris jugularis | zwf | Olive-backed sunbird | 1 |
1470 | Rosaflamingo | Phoenicopterus roseus | Rfl | Greater Flamingo | 49 |
1471 | Chileflamingo | Phoenicopterus chilensis | Cf | Chilean Flamingo | 39 |
1475 | Brauner Sichler | Plegadis falcinellus | Sic | Glossy Ibis | 25 |
1515 | Witwenpfeifgans | Dendrocygna viduata | Wpg | White-faced whistling duck | 8 |
1520 | Höckerschwan | Cygnus olor | Hö | Mute Swan | 613 |
1525 | Schwarzschwan | Cygnus atratus | Ssw | Black Swan | 144 |
1530 | Zwergschwan | Cygnus Bewickii | ZSW | Tundra Swan | 40 |
1540 | Singschwan | Cygnus cygnus | Sis | Whooper Swan | 158 |
1560 | Schwanengans | Anser Cygnoides | SchwG | Swan Goose | 11 |
1571 | Tundrasaatgans | Anser serrirostris | Tsg | Tundra Bean Goose | 255 |
1572 | Waldsaatgans | Anser fabalis fabalis | Wsg | Taiga bean goose | 3 |
1580 | Kurzschnabelgans | Anser Brachyrhynchus | Kug | Pink-footed Goose | 40 |
1590 | Blässgans | Anser albifrons | Blg | Greater White-fronted Goose | 434 |
1600 | Zwerggans | anser minor | zwg | little goose | 21 |
1610 | Graugans | Anser anser | Gra | Greylag Goose | 736 |
1615 | Andengans | Chloephaga melanoptera | AnG | Andean goose | 5 |
1620 | Streifengans | Anser indicus | Srg | Bar-headed Goose | 170 |
1630 | Schneegans | Anser Caerulescens | Schneeg | Snow Goose | 28 |
1640 | Zwergschneegans | Anser rossii | Ar | Ross´s Goose | 18 |
1660 | Kanadagans | Branta canadensis | Kag | Canada Goose | 636 |
1670 | Weißwangengans | Branta leucopsis | Wwg | Barnacle Goose | 246 |
1680 | Ringelgans | branta bernicla | rgs | Brant Goose | 80 |
1690 | Rothalsgans | Branta Ruficollis | RHG | Red-breasted Goose | 54 |
1700 | Nilgans | Alopochen aegyptiaca | Nig | Egyptian Goose | 599 |
1710 | Rostgans | Tadorna ferruginea | Rg | Ruddy Shelduck | 251 |
1730 | Brandgans | Tadorna tadorna | Brg | Common Shelduck | 305 |
1735 | Mähnengans | Chenonetta jubata | mngs | Australian Wood Goose | 4 |
1750 | Moschusente | Cairina moschata | MoE | Muscovy Duck | 30 |
1755 | Punaente | Anas puna | Ap | Puna teal | 2 |
1770 | Brautente | Aix sponsa | Bre | Wood Duck | 120 |
1771 | Blauflügelente | Anas discors | BlfE | Blue-winged Teal | 3 |
1780 | Mandarinente | Aix galericulata | Mae | Mandarin Duck | 118 |
1790 | Pfeifente | Anas penelope | Pfe | Eurasian Wigeon | 401 |
1795 | Gelbbrust-Pfeifgans | Dendrocygna bicolor | gbpg | Fulvous whistling duck | 4 |
1810 | Sichelente | Anas falcata | sie | Falcated Duck | 2 |
1820 | Peposakaente | Netta peposaca | PeE | Rosy-billed Pochard | 1 |
1820 | Schnatterente | Anas strepera | Sn | Gadwall | 489 |
1840 | Krickente | Anas crecca | Kr | Eurasian Teal | 531 |
1845 | Carolinakrickente | Anas carolinenesis | CK | green winged teal | 22 |
1860 | Stockente | Anas platyrhynchos | Sto | Mallard | 751 |
1861 | Fleckschnabelente | Anas poecilorhyncha | fsen | Spot-billed Duck | 9 |
1861 | Andenente | Anas flavirostris | ADE | Yellow-billed Teal | 39 |
1862 | Silberente | Anas versicolor | Sie | Silver Teal | 5 |
1862 | Hottentottenente | Anas hottentota | hte | Hottentot teal | 4 |
1862 | Gelbschnabelente | Anas undulata | gse | Yellow-billed duck | 3 |
1870 | Chilepfeifente | Anas sibilatrix | Chpfe | Chiloé Wigeon | 10 |
1890 | Spießente | Anas acuta | Spe | Northern Pintail | 274 |
1910 | Knäkente | Anas querquedula | Kn | Garganey | 311 |
1940 | Löffelente | Anas clypeata | Lö | Northern Shoveler | 452 |
1960 | Kolbenente | Netta rufina | Koe | Red-crested Pochard | 153 |
1980 | Tafelente | Aythya ferina | Ta | Common Pochard | 370 |
2000 | Ringschnabelente | Aythya collaris | Rse | Ring-necked Duck | 27 |
2020 | Moorente | Aythya nyroca | Moe | Ferruginous Duck | 96 |
2025 | Marmelente | Marmaronetta angustirostris | mae | Marbled Duck | 0 |
2030 | Reiherente | Aythya fuligula | Rei | Tufted Duck | 609 |
2040 | Bergente | Aythya marila | Bg | Greater Scaup | 87 |
2060 | Eiderente | Somateria mollissima | Ed | Common Eider | 111 |
2061 | Eisente | Clangula hyemalis | eie | Long-tailed Duck | 47 |
2097 | Rotschulterente | Callonetta Leucophrys | RSE | Ringed Teal | 48 |
2110 | Kragenente | Histrionicus histronicus | KRE | Harlequin Duck | 1 |
2130 | Trauerente | Melanitta nigra | Te | Black Scoter | 41 |
2150 | Samtente | Melanitta fusca | Se | Velvet Scoter | 69 |
2160 | Büffelkopfente | Bucephala albeola | BuF | Bufflehead | 17 |
2180 | Schellente | Bucephala clangula | Sl | Common Goldeneye | 268 |
2210 | Mittelsäger | Mergus serrator | Mis | Red-breasted Merganser | 66 |
2215 | Kappensäger | Lophodytes cucullatus | KS | Hooded Merganse | 28 |
2230 | Gänsesäger | Mergus merganser | Gäs | Common Merganser | 458 |
2250 | Schwarzkopf-Ruderente | Oxyura jamaicensis | Ske | Ruddy Duck | 23 |
2310 | Wespenbussard | Pernis apivorus | Wsb | European Honey Buzzard | 262 |
2346 | Dünnschnabelmöwe | Chroicocephalus genei | dsm | Slender-billed Gull | 1 |
2380 | Schwarzmilan | Milvus migrans | Swm | Black Kite | 272 |
2390 | Rotmilan | Milvus milvus | Rm | Red Kite | 575 |
2395 | Gleitaar | Elanus caeruleus | gla | Black-winged kite | 11 |
2430 | Seeadler | Haliaeetus albicilla | Sea | White-tailed Eagle | 106 |
2450 | Schwarzbrauenalbatros | Thalassarche melanophris) | sba | Mollymauk | 1 |
2560 | Schlangenadler | Circaetus gallicus | Sla | Short-toed Snake Eagle | 4 |
2565 | Habichtsadler | Hieraaetus fasciatus | hba | Bonelli's eagle | 4 |
2600 | Rohrweihe | Circus aeruginosus | Row | Western Marsh Harrier | 427 |
2605 | Steppenweihe | Circus macrourus | Stw | Pallid Harrier | 5 |
2610 | Kornweihe | Circus cyaneus | Kw | Northern Harrier | 220 |
2630 | Wiesenweihe | Circus pygargus | Ww | Montagu's Harrier | 94 |
2661 | Kaiseradler | Aquila heliaca | kaa | Eastern imperial eagle | 1 |
2670 | Habicht | Accipiter gentilis | Ha | Northern Goshawk | 388 |
2675 | Graubürzel-Singhabicht | Melierax metabates | gbs | Dark chanting goshawk | 1 |
2690 | Sperber | Accipiter nisus | Sp | Eurasian Sparrowhawk | 505 |
2691 | Kurzfangsperber | Accipiter brevipes | kfs | Levant sparrowhawk | 2 |
2800 | Gänsegeier | Gyps Fulvus | ggei | Griffon Vulture | 11 |
2805 | Sperbergeier | Gyps rueppelli | spg | Rüppell's vulture | 1 |
2805 | Bartgeier | Gypaetus barbatus | btg | Bearded Vulture | 1 |
2815 | Mönchsgeier | Aegypius monachus | mgei | Black Vulture | 4 |
2816 | Schmutzgeier | Neophron percnopterus | scm | Egyptian vulture | 1 |
2820 | Sekretär | Sagittarius serpentarius | skt | Secretarybird | 1 |
2821 | Gaukler | Terathopius ecaudatus | gkl | Bateleur | 1 |
2829 | Weißrückengeier | Gyps africanus | wrg | White-backed vulture | 1 |
2832 | Ohrengeier | Torgos tracheliotos | ohg | Lappet-faced vulture | 1 |
2870 | Mäusebussard | Buteo buteo | Mb | Common Buzzard | 764 |
2870 | Felsenbussard | Buteo Augur | fbs | augur buzzard | 0 |
2900 | Raufußbussard | Buteo Lagopus | RaufBu | Rough-legged Buzzard | 48 |
2905 | Adlerbussard | Buteo rufinus | abb | Long-legged buzzard | 2 |
2905 | Schopfadler | Lophaetus occipitalis | sca | Long-crested Eagle | 1 |
2920 | Schreiadler | Aquila pomarina | Sra | Lesser Spotted Eagle | 4 |
2960 | Steinadler | Aquila chrysaetos | Sta | Golden Eagle | 10 |
2980 | Zwergadler | Aquila pennata | Zwa | Booted Eagle | 12 |
3010 | Fischadler | Pandion haliaetus | Fia | Western Osprey | 265 |
3040 | Turmfalke | Falco tinnunculus | Tf | Common Kestrel | 673 |
3041 | Eleonorenfalke | Falco eleonora | elf | Eleonoras Falcon | 3 |
3045 | Buntfalke | Falco sparverius | Bfl | American Kestrel | 4 |
3070 | Rotfußfalke | Falco vespertinus | Rff | Red-footed Falcon | 29 |
3090 | Merlin | Falco columbarius | mn | merlin | 99 |
3100 | Baumfalke | Falco subbuteo | Bf | Eurasian Hobby | 314 |
3160 | Würgfalke | Falco cherrug | Wüf | Saker Falcon | 1 |
3200 | Wanderfalke | Falco peregrinus | Wf | Peregrine Falcon | 377 |
3260 | Haselhuhn | Bonasa bansia | Hsh | Hazel Grouse | 1 |
3401 | Bonapartemöwe | Chroicocephalus philadelphia | bnm | Bonaparte's Gull | 0 |
3550 | Chukarhuhn | Alectoris chukar | ChH | Chukar Partridge | 1 |
3670 | Rebhuhn | Perdix perdix | Re | Grey Partridge | 242 |
3672 | Rothuhn | Alectoris rufa | rhn | Red-legged partridge | 1 |
3675 | Helmperlhuhn | Numida meleagris | hph | Helmeted guineafowl | 1 |
3700 | Wachtel | Coturnix coturnix | Wa | Common Quail | 156 |
3846 | Bahamaente | Anas bahamensis | bhe | White-cheeked Pintail | 15 |
3940 | Jagdfasan | Phasianus colchicus | Fa | Common Pheasant | 587 |
3941 | Königsfasan | symaticus reevesii | kfs | Reevess Pheasant | 0 |
4070 | Wasserralle | Rallus aquaticus | Wr | Water Rail | 298 |
4080 | Tüpfelsumpfhuhn | Porzana porzana | Tsh | Spotted Crake | 96 |
4100 | Kleines Sumpfhuhn | Porzana parva | Ksh | Little Crake | 12 |
4115 | Purpurhuhn | Porphyrio porphyrio | pph | Purple Swamphen | 4 |
4210 | Wachtelkönig | Crex crex | Wk | Corn Crake | 67 |
4240 | Teichhuhn | Gallinula chloropus | Tr | Common Moorhen | 532 |
4290 | Blässhuhn | Fulica atra | Br | Eurasian Coot | 594 |
4330 | Kranich | Grus grus | Kch | Common Crane | 514 |
4335 | Kronenkranich | Balearica pavonina | kkr | Black crowned crane | 1 |
4420 | Zwergtrappe | Tetrax tetrax | Zwt | Little Bustard | 15 |
4460 | Großtrappe | Otis tarda | Gt | Great Bustard | 5 |
4465 | Afrikanischer Strauß | Struthio Camelus | ast | Common ostrich | 1 |
4500 | Austernfischer | Haematopus ostralegus | Au | Eurasian Oystercatcher | 298 |
4550 | Stelzenläufer | Himantopus himantopus | Stl | Black-winged Stilt | 30 |
4560 | Säbelschnäbler | Recurvirostra avosetta | Sb | Pied Avocet | 91 |
4590 | Triel | Burhinus oedicnemus | Trl | Eurasian Stone-curlew | 4 |
4690 | Flussregenpfeifer | Charadrius dubius | Frp | Little Ringed Plover | 362 |
4700 | Sandregenpfeifer | Charadrius hiaticula | Srp | Common Ringed Plover | 159 |
4770 | Seeregenpfeifer | Charadrius alexandrinus | Ser | Kentish Plover | 11 |
4850 | Goldregenpfeifer | Pluvialis apricaria | Grp | European Golden Plover | 99 |
4851 | Mornellregenpfeifer | Charadrius morinellus | mor | Eurasian Dotterel | 28 |
4860 | Kiebitzregenpfeifer | Pluvialis squatarola | xxx | Grey Plover | 79 |
4915 | Rotflügel-Brachschwalbe | Glareola pratincola | gbsch | Collared Pratincole | 2 |
4930 | Kiebitz | Vanellus vanellus | Ki | Northern Lapwing | 641 |
4935 | Steppenkiebitz | Vanellus gregarius | spk | Sociable Lapwing | 2 |
4960 | Knutt | Calidris canutus | knu | knutt | 53 |
4965 | Meerstrandläufer | Calidris maritima | Msl | Purple Sandpiper | 25 |
4970 | Sanderling | Calidris alba | xxy | Sanderling | 60 |
5010 | Zwergstrandläufer | Calidris minuta | Zs | Little Stint | 85 |
5070 | Graubrust-Strandläufer | Calidris melanotos | Grbrstrl | Pectoral Sandpiper | 20 |
5090 | Sichelstrandläufer | Calidris ferruginea | Sstrl | Curlew Sandpiper | 82 |
5120 | Alpenstrandläufer | Calidris alpina | Asl | Dunlin | 209 |
5130 | Temminckstrandläufer | Calidris temminckii | tsl | Temminck's Stint | 102 |
5140 | Sumpfläufer | Limicola falcinellus | Sl | Broad-billed Sandpiper | 11 |
5170 | Kampfläufer | Philomachus pugnax | Ka | Ruff | 265 |
5180 | Zwergschnepfe | Lymnocryptes minimus | Zsn | Jack Snipe | 86 |
5190 | Bekassine | Gallinago gallinago | Be | Common Snipe | 370 |
5200 | Doppelschnepfe | Gallinago media | Ds | Great Snipe | 14 |
5211 | Bairdstrandläufer | Calidris bairdii | bsl | Baird's Sandpiper | 0 |
5290 | Waldschnepfe | Scolopax rusticola | Was | Eurasian Woodcock | 188 |
5320 | Uferschnepfe | Limosa limosa | Us | Black-tailed Godwit | 196 |
5340 | Pfuhlschnepfe | Limosa lapponica | PS | bar-tailed godwit | 52 |
5410 | Großer Brachvogel | Numenius arquata | Gbv | Eurasian Curlew | 278 |
5420 | Regenbrachvogel | Numenius phaeopus | Rb | Whimbrel | 90 |
5450 | Dunkler Wasserläufer | Tringa erythropus | DW | Spotted Redshank | 185 |
5460 | Rotschenkel | Tringa totanus | Ros | Common Redshank | 266 |
5465 | Kleiner Gelbschenkel | Tringa flavipes | kgs | Lesser Yellowlegs | 4 |
5470 | Teichwasserläufer | Tringa Stagnatilis | Twassl | Marsh Sandpiper | 27 |
5480 | Grünschenkel | Tringa nebularia | Güs | Common Greenshank | 316 |
5487 | Rötelfalke | Falco naumanni | rtf | Lesser Kestrel | 1 |
5530 | Waldwasserläufer | Tringa ochropus | Waw | Green Sandpiper | 344 |
5540 | Bruchwasserläufer | Tringa glareola | Bwl | Wood Sandpiper | 288 |
5550 | Terekwasserläufer | Xenus Cinereus | TWL | Terek Sandpiper | 2 |
5560 | Flussuferläufer | Actitis hypoleucos | Ful | Common Sandpiper | 347 |
5610 | Steinwälzer | Arenaria interpres | Stw | Ruddy Turnstone | 56 |
5640 | Odinshühnchen | Phalaropus lobatus | odh | red-necked phalarope | 19 |
5650 | Thorshühnchen | Phalaropus fulicaria | ThH | Red Phalarope | 18 |
5668 | Skua | Stercorarius skua | grr | Great Skua | 5 |
5669 | Spatelraubmöwe | Stercorarius pomarinus | SpRM | Pomarine skua | 7 |
5669 | Eissturmvogel | Fulmarus glacialis | esv | Northern fulmar | 7 |
5670 | Schmarotzerraubmöwe | Stercorarius Parasiticus | schmaro | Arctic Skua | 8 |
5681 | Balearensturmtaucher | Puffinus mauretanicus | bst | Balearic Shearwater | 0 |
5682 | Sepiasturmtaucher | Calonectris diomedea | sst | Cory´s Shearwater | 1 |
5685 | Rosapelikan | Pelecanus onocrotalus | RP | Great White Pelican | 13 |
5750 | Schwarzkopfmöwe | Larus melanocephalus | Skm | n/a | 135 |
5780 | Zwergmöwe | Hydrocoloeus minutus | Zwm | Little Gull | 96 |
5820 | Graukopfmöwe | Chroicocephalus cirrocephalus | gkm | Grey-headed gull | 1 |
5820 | Lachmöwe | Larus ridibundus | Lm | Black-headed gull | 612 |
5847 | Korallenmöwe | Ichthyaetus audouinii | kom | Audouin`s Gull | 3 |
5848 | Schwalbenmöwe | Xema sabini | SM | Sabine's gull | 3 |
5890 | Ringschnabelmöwe | Larus delawarensis | RSM | Ring-billed Gull | 18 |
5900 | Sturmmöwe | Larus canus | Stm | Mew Gull | 345 |
5910 | Heringsmöwe | Larus fuscus | Her | Lesser Black-backed Gull | 257 |
5920 | Silbermöwe | Larus argentatus | Sim | European Herring Gull | 485 |
5925 | Polarmöwe | Larus glaucoides | pmoe | Iceland gull | 13 |
5926 | Mittelmeermöwe | Larus michahellis | Mmm | Yellow-legged Gull | 182 |
5926 | Eismöwe | Larus Hyperboreus | eim | Glaucous Gull | 10 |
5927 | Steppenmöwe | Larus cachinnans | Spm | Caspian Gull | 207 |
6000 | Mantelmöwe | Larus marinus | Mm | Great Black-backed Gull | 137 |
6020 | Dreizehenmöwe | Rissa tridactyla | Dzm | Black-legged Kittiwake | 14 |
6050 | Lachseeschwalbe | Gelochelidon nilotica | Lss | Gull-billed Tern | 3 |
6060 | Raubseeschwalbe | Hydroprogne caspia | Rss | Caspian Tern | 26 |
6110 | Brandseeschwalbe | Sterna sandvicensis | Bss | Sandwich Tern | 48 |
6120 | Rosenseeschwalbe | Sterna dougallii | rss | Roseate Tern | 0 |
6150 | Flussseeschwalbe | Sterna hirundo | Fss | Common Tern | 117 |
6160 | Küstenseeschwalbe | Sterna paradisaea | Kss | Arctic Tern | 34 |
6240 | Zwergseeschwalbe | Sternula albifrons | Zss | Little Tern | 28 |
6260 | Weißbart-Seeschwalbe | Chlidonias hybrida | Wbs | Whiskered Tern | 35 |
6270 | Trauerseeschwalbe | Chlidonias niger | Tss | Black Tern | 117 |
6280 | Weißflügel-Seeschwalbe | Chlidonias leucopterus | Wfs | White-winged Tern | 18 |
6340 | Trottellumme | Uria aalge | Tl | Common Murre | 15 |
6342 | Papageitaucher | fratercula arctica | pgt | Atlantic Puffin | 5 |
6360 | Tordalk | Alca torda | To | Razorbill | 13 |
6361 | Gryllteiste | Cepphus grylle | grt | Black guillemot | 10 |
6370 | Krabbentaucher | Alle Alle | kbt | Little Auk | 1 |
6650 | Straßentaube | Columba livia forma domestica | Stt | n/a | 451 |
6680 | Hohltaube | Columba oenas | Hot | Stock Dove | 400 |
6681 | Felsentaube | Columba livia | ftb | Rock Dove | 9 |
6700 | Ringeltaube | Columba palumbus | Rt | Common Wood Pigeon | 715 |
6840 | Türkentaube | Streptopelia decaocto | Tt | Eurasian Collared Dove | 502 |
6870 | Turteltaube | Streptopelia turtur | Tut | European Turtle Dove | 92 |
6885 | Diamanttäubchen | Geopelia cuneata | dtb | Diamond dove | 3 |
7120 | Halsbandsittich | Psittacula krameri | Hbs | Rose-ringed Parakeet | 68 |
7240 | Kuckuck | Cuculus canorus | Ku | Common Cuckoo | 391 |
7323 | Spornkiebitz | Vanellus spinosus | spk | Spur-winged lapwing | 1 |
7350 | Schleiereule | Tyto alba | Se | Western Barn Owl | 234 |
7390 | Zwergohreule | Otus scops | Zo | Eurasian Scops Owl | 34 |
7440 | Uhu | Bubo bubo | Uh | Eurasian Eagle-Owl | 260 |
7445 | Sperbereule | Surnia ulula | spe | Northern hawk-owl | 6 |
7510 | Sperlingskauz | Glaucidium passerinum | Spk | Eurasian Pygmy Owl | 13 |
7570 | Steinkauz | Athene noctua | Stk | Little Owl | 247 |
7610 | Waldkauz | Strix aluco | Wz | Tawny Owl | 358 |
7670 | Waldohreule | Asio otus | Wo | Long-eared Owl | 228 |
7680 | Sumpfohreule | Asio flammeus | So | Short-eared Owl | 55 |
7700 | Raufußkauz | Aegolius funereus | Rfk | Boreal Owl | 7 |
7780 | Ziegenmelker | Caprimulgus europaeus | Zm | European Nightjar | 36 |
7950 | Mauersegler | Apus apus | Ms | Common Swift | 472 |
7955 | Haussegler | Apus affinis | hsl | Litte Swift | 1 |
7955 | Fahlsegler | Apus pallidus | fs | Pallid Swift | 3 |
7980 | Alpensegler | Apus melba | As | Alpine Swift | 5 |
8310 | Eisvogel | Alcedo atthis | Ev | Common Kingfisher | 538 |
8315 | Graufischer | Ceryle rudis | grf | Pied kingfisher | 1 |
8400 | Bienenfresser | Merops apiaster | Bie | European Bee-eater | 44 |
8410 | Blauracke | Coracias garrulus | Blr | European Roller | 4 |
8415 | Steinrötel | Monticola saxatilis | str | Rock Trush | 2 |
8460 | Wiedehopf | Upupa epops | Wi | Eurasian Hoopoe | 31 |
8480 | Wendehals | Jynx torquilla | Wh | Eurasian Wryneck | 70 |
8550 | Grauspecht | Picus canus | Gsp | Grey-headed Woodpecker | 52 |
8560 | Grünspecht | Picus viridis | Gü | European Green Woodpecker | 604 |
8630 | Schwarzspecht | Dryocopus martius | Ssp | Black Woodpecker | 316 |
8760 | Buntspecht | Dendrocopos major | Bs | Great Spotted Woodpecker | 623 |
8830 | Mittelspecht | Dendrocopos medius | Msp | Middle Spotted Woodpecker | 202 |
8870 | Kleinspecht | Dryobates minor | Ks | Lesser Spotted Woodpecker | 274 |
9680 | Kurzzehenlerche | Calandrella Brachydactyla | KZL | Greater Short-toed Lark | 6 |
9720 | Haubenlerche | Galerida cristata | Hl | Crested Lark | 26 |
9721 | Kalanderlerche | Melanocorypha calandra | kal | Calandra lark | 1 |
9740 | Heidelerche | Lullula arborea | Hei | Woodlark | 209 |
9760 | Feldlerche | Alauda arvensis | Fl | Eurasian Skylark | 503 |
9772 | Theklalerche | Galerida theklae | thl | Thekla´s Lark | 1 |
9780 | Ohrenlerche | Eremophila alpestris | yxx | Shorelarke | 14 |
9810 | Uferschwalbe | Riparia riparia | U | Sand Martin | 282 |
9811 | Rötelschwalbe | hirundo daurica | rscw | red rumped swallow | 7 |
9910 | Felsenschwalbe | Ptyonoprogne rupestris | Fel | Eurasian Crag Martin | 8 |
9920 | Rauchschwalbe | Hirundo rustica | Rs | Barn Swallow | 538 |
10010 | Mehlschwalbe | Delichon urbicum | M | Common House Martin | 490 |
10020 | Spornpieper | Anthus Richardi | SPIP | Richard's Pipit | 11 |
10021 | Rotkehlpieper | Anthus Cervinus | rkp | Red-throated Pipit | 23 |
10050 | Brachpieper | Anthus campestris | Brp | Tawny Pipit | 24 |
10090 | Baumpieper | Anthus trivialis | Bp | Tree Pipit | 305 |
10110 | Gelbkehlpieper | Macronyx croceus | ytl | Yellow- throated longclaw | 1 |
10110 | Wiesenpieper | Anthus pratensis | W | Meadow Pipit | 416 |
10141 | Bergpieper | Anthus spinoletta | Bep | Water Pipit | 173 |
10142 | Strandpieper | Anthus petrosus | Stp | Eurasian Rock Pipit | 20 |
10170 | Wiesenschafstelze | Motacilla flava | St | Western Yellow Wagtail | 401 |
10172 | Gelbkopf-Schafstelze | Motacilla flavissima | GSS | Yellow Wagtail | 16 |
10173 | Maskenschafstelze | motacilla flava feldegg | mss | Black-headed Wagtail | 1 |
10180 | Zitronenstelze | Motacilla citreola | Zit | Citrine Wagtail | 6 |
10190 | Gebirgsstelze | Motacilla cinerea | Ge | Grey Wagtail | 425 |
10200 | Bachstelze | Motacilla alba | Ba | White Wagtail | 624 |
10210 | Trauerbachstelze | Motacilla yarrellii | tbs | Pied Wagtail | 27 |
10215 | Thunbergschafstelze | Moticilla thunbergi | tsst | Grey-headed Wagtail | 143 |
10500 | Wasseramsel | Cinclus cinclus | Waa | White-throated Dipper | 293 |
10660 | Zaunkönig | Troglodytes troglodytes | Z | Winter Wren | 606 |
10840 | Heckenbraunelle | Prunella modularis | He | Dunnock | 549 |
10990 | Rotkehlchen | Erithacus rubecula | R | European Robin | 648 |
11030 | Sprosser | Luscinia luscinia | Spr | Thrush Nightingale | 8 |
11040 | Nachtigall | Luscinia megarhynchos | N | Common Nightingale | 341 |
11060 | Blaukehlchen | Luscinia svecica | Blk | Bluethroat | 145 |
11210 | Hausrotschwanz | Phoenicurus ochruros | Hr | Black Redstart | 514 |
11220 | Gartenrotschwanz | Phoenicurus phoenicurus | Gr | Common Redstart | 291 |
11370 | Braunkehlchen | Saxicola rubetra | Bk | Whinchat | 320 |
11390 | Schwarzkehlchen | Saxicola rubicola | Swk | European Stonechat | 340 |
11460 | Steinschmätzer | Oenanthe oenanthe | Sts | Northern Wheatear | 344 |
11461 | Nonnensteinschmätzer | Oenanthe pleschanka | nst | pied wheatear | 1 |
11462 | Wüstensteinschmätzer | Oenanthe deserti | wstm | Desert wheatear | 1 |
11465 | Balkansteinschmätzer | Oenanthe hispanica melanoleuca | bsm | Black-eared Wheatear | 3 |
11860 | Ringdrossel | Turdus torquatus | Rdr | Ring Ouzel | 135 |
11870 | Amsel | Turdus merula | A | Common Blackbird | 853 |
11871 | Blaumerle | Monticola solitarius | blm | Blue Rock Thrush | 6 |
11980 | Wacholderdrossel | Turdus pilaris | Wd | Fieldfare | 554 |
12000 | Singdrossel | Turdus philomelos | Sd | Song Thrush | 564 |
12003 | Blassspötter | Iduna pallida | bls | Pale Warbler | 1 |
12010 | Rotdrossel | Turdus iliacus | Rd | Redwing | 409 |
12020 | Misteldrossel | Turdus viscivorus | Md | Mistle Thrush | 443 |
12200 | Seidensänger | Cettia cetti | Ssä | Cetti's Warbler | 8 |
12260 | Zistensänger | Cisticola juncidis | Zis | Zitting Cisticola | 2 |
12345 | Truthuhn | Meleagris gallopavo | TH | Wild Turkey | 3 |
12360 | Feldschwirl | Locustella naevia | Fs | Common Grasshopper Warbler | 230 |
12370 | Schlagschwirl | Locustella fluviatilis | Ssc | River Warbler | 60 |
12380 | Rohrschwirl | Locustella luscinioides | Rsc | Savi's Warbler | 57 |
12420 | Seggenrohrsänger | Acrocephalus paludicola | Seg | Aquatic Warbler | 2 |
12430 | Schilfrohrsänger | Acrocephalus schoenobaenus | Sr | Sedge Warbler | 142 |
12500 | Sumpfrohrsänger | Acrocephalus palustris | Su | Marsh Warbler | 304 |
12510 | Teichrohrsänger | Acrocephalus scirpaceus | T | Eurasian Reed Warbler | 321 |
12520 | Buschrohrsänger | Acrocephalus dumetorum | brs | Blyth's reed warbler | 13 |
12530 | Drosselrohrsänger | Acrocephalus arundinaceus | Drs | Great Reed Warbler | 115 |
12590 | Gelbspötter | Hippolais icterina | Gp | Icterine Warbler | 283 |
12600 | Orpheusspötter | Hippolais polyglotta | Os | Melodious Warbler | 41 |
12650 | Buschspötter | Iduna caligata | bsp | Booted Warbler | 2 |
12655 | Feldrohrsänger | Acrocephalus agricola | frs | Paddyfield warbler | 1 |
12720 | Orpheusgrasmücke | Sylvia hortensis | Og | Western Orphean Warbler | 0 |
12721 | Nachtigallgrasmücke | Curruca crassirostris | ngm | Eastern Orphean Warbler | 1 |
12722 | Weißbartgrasmücke | Sylvia cantillans | wbg | Eastern subalpine warbler | 1 |
12730 | Sperbergrasmücke | Sylvia nisoria | Sgm | Barred Warbler | 5 |
12735 | Wüstengrasmücke | Sylvia nana | wsg | Asian desert warbler | 2 |
12740 | Klappergrasmücke | Sylvia curruca | Kg | Lesser Whitethroat | 422 |
12741 | Samtkopfgrasmücke | Sylvia melanocephala | skgr | Sardinian warbler | 16 |
12750 | Dorngrasmücke | Sylvia communis | Dg | Common Whitethroat | 423 |
12755 | Brillengrasmücke | Sylvia conspicillata | bgm | Spectacled Warbler | 2 |
12760 | Gartengrasmücke | Sylvia borin | Gg | Garden Warbler | 377 |
12770 | Seidenschwanz | Bombycilla garrulus | Sds | Waxwing | 88 |
12770 | Mönchsgrasmücke | Sylvia atricapilla | Mg | Eurasian Blackcap | 505 |
12930 | Grünlaubsänger | Phylloscopus trochiloides | Grl | Greenish Warbler | 1 |
13070 | Berglaubsänger | Phylloscopus bonelli | Bls | Western Bonelli's Warbler | 0 |
13075 | Bartlaubsänger | Phylloscopus schwarzi | bls | Radde's Warbler | 2 |
13080 | Waldlaubsänger | Phylloscopus sibilatrix | Wls | Wood Warbler | 256 |
13110 | Zilpzalp | Phylloscopus collybita | Zi | Common Chiffchaff | 569 |
13120 | Fitis | Phylloscopus trochilus | F | Willow Warbler | 425 |
13121 | Gelbbrauen-Laubsänger | Phylloscopus inornatus) | glbls | Yellow-browed warbler | 8 |
13125 | Dunkellaubsänger | Phylloscopus fuscatus | DkL | Dusky Warbler | 8 |
13140 | Wintergoldhähnchen | Regulus regulus | Wg | Goldcrest | 387 |
13150 | Sommergoldhähnchen | Regulus ignicapilla | Sg | Common Firecrest | 320 |
13152 | Goldhähnchen-Laubsänger | Phylluscopus Proregulus | ghls | Pallas Warbler | 5 |
13350 | Grauschnäpper | Muscicapa striata | Gs | Spotted Flycatcher | 313 |
13430 | Zwergschnäpper | Ficedula parva | Zs | Red-breasted Flycatcher | 11 |
13480 | Halsbandschnäpper | Ficedula albicollis | Hb | Collared Flycatcher | 1 |
13490 | Trauerschnäpper | Ficedula hypoleuca | Ts | European Pied Flycatcher | 241 |
13640 | Bartmeise | Panurus biarmicus | Bam | Bearded Reedling | 107 |
14370 | Schwanzmeise | Aegithalos caudatus | Sm | Long-tailed Tit | 567 |
14400 | Sumpfmeise | Parus palustris | Sum | Marsh Tit | 474 |
14420 | Weidenmeise | Parus montanus | Wm | Willow Tit | 337 |
14540 | Haubenmeise | Parus cristatus | Hm | Crested Tit | 389 |
14610 | Tannenmeise | Parus ater | Tm | n/a | 418 |
14620 | Blaumeise | Parus caeruleus | Bm | Blue Tit | 670 |
14640 | Kohlmeise | Parus major | K | Great Tit | 715 |
14790 | Kleiber | Sitta europaea | Kl | Eurasian Nuthatch | 558 |
14791 | Felsenkleiber | Sitta neumayer | fek | Western Rock Nuthatch | 1 |
14820 | Mauerläufer | Tichodroma muraria | Ml | Wallcreeper | 3 |
14860 | Waldbaumläufer | Certhia familiaris | Wb | Eurasian Treecreeper | 274 |
14870 | Gartenbaumläufer | Certhia brachydactyla | Gb | Short-toed Treecreeper | 473 |
14900 | Beutelmeise | Remiz pendulinus | Bem | Eurasian Penduline Tit | 40 |
15080 | Pirol | Oriolus oriolus | P | Eurasian Golden Oriole | 137 |
15150 | Graumantelwürger | Lanius excubitoroides | gmw | Grey- backed fiscal | 1 |
15150 | Neuntöter | Lanius collurio | Nt | Red-backed Shrike | 238 |
15155 | Rotschwanz-Würger | Lanius phoenicuroides | rsw | red-tailed shrike | 1 |
15200 | Raubwürger | Lanius excubitor | Rw | Great Grey Shrike | 168 |
15230 | Rotkopfwürger | Lanius senator | Rkw | Woodchat Shrike | 6 |
15390 | Eichelhäher | Garrulus glandarius | Ei | Eurasian Jay | 609 |
15490 | Elster | Pica pica | E | Eurasian Magpie | 679 |
15570 | Tannenhäher | Nucifraga caryocatactes | Th | Spotted Nutcracker | 21 |
15600 | Dohle | Coloeus monedula | D | Western Jackdaw | 661 |
15610 | Alpendohle | Pyrrhocorax graculus | ald | Alpine Chough | 7 |
15630 | Saatkrähe | Corvus frugilegus | Sa | Rook | 478 |
15670 | Rabenkrähe | Corvus corone | Rk | Carrion Crow | 694 |
15670 | Nebelkrähe | Corvus cornix | Nk | Hooded Crow | 58 |
15720 | Kolkrabe | Corvus corax | Kra | Northern Raven | 463 |
15725 | Schildrabe | Corvus albus | scr | Pied crow | 1 |
15725 | Südlicher Hornrabe | Bucorvus leadbeateri | shr | Southern ground hornbill | 1 |
15820 | Star | Sturnus vulgaris | S | Common Starling | 628 |
15821 | Rosenstar | Sturnus roseus | rss | Rosy starling | 2 |
15822 | Grünschwanzglanzstar | Lamprotornis chalybaeus | gsgl | Greater Blue- eared glossy-starling | 0 |
15822 | Prachtglanzstar | Lamprotornis splendidus | pgs | Splendid starling | 1 |
15823 | Einfarbstar | Sturnus unicolor | efs | Spotless starling | 1 |
15910 | Haussperling | Passer domesticus | H | House Sparrow | 559 |
15911 | Italiensperling | Passer italiae | itsp | Italian Sparrow | 3 |
15912 | Weidensperling | Passer hispaniolensis | wsp | Spanish Sparrow | 3 |
15913 | Keniasperling | Passer rufocinctus | ksp | Kenya Sparrow | 1 |
15913 | Rotschnabel- Madenhacker | Buphagus erythrorhynchus | rsm | Red- billed oxpecker | 1 |
15980 | Feldsperling | Passer montanus | Fe | Eurasian Tree Sparrow | 473 |
16000 | Taigazilpzalp | Phylloscopus tristis | tzz | Siberian Chiffchaff | 3 |
16110 | Schneesperling | Montifringilla nivalis | Sns | White-winged Snowfinch | 1 |
16200 | Tienschan-Laubsänger | Phylloscopus humei) | tls | Phylloscopus humei) | 4 |
16360 | Buchfink | Fringilla coelebs | B | Common Chaffinch | 707 |
16380 | Bergfink | Fringilla montifringilla | Ber | Brambling | 392 |
16400 | Girlitz | Serinus serinus | Gi | European Serin | 295 |
16490 | Grünfink | Carduelis chloris | Gf | European Greenfinch | 590 |
16530 | Stieglitz | Carduelis carduelis | Sti | European Goldfinch | 580 |
16540 | Erlenzeisig | Carduelis spinus | Ez | Eurasian Siskin | 468 |
16600 | Bluthänfling | Carduelis cannabina | Hä | Common Linnet | 469 |
16620 | Berghänfling | Carduelis Flavirostris | BHFL | Twite | 17 |
16631 | Alpenbirkenzeisig | Carduelis cabaret | Abz | Lesser Redpoll | 305 |
16632 | Taigabirkenzeisig | Carduelis flammea | Tbz | Mealy Redpoll | 49 |
16640 | Polarbirkenzeisig | Carduelis hornemanni | Pbz | Arctic Redpoll | 3 |
16650 | Bindenkreuzschnabel | Loxia bifasciata | Bks | Binding crossbill yeah sure | 0 |
16660 | Fichtenkreuzschnabel | Loxia curvirostra | Fk | Red Crossbill | 256 |
16680 | Kiefernkreuzschnabel | Loxia pytyopsittacus | Kks | Parrot Crossbill | 22 |
16790 | Karmingimpel | Carpodacus erythrinus | Kar | Common Rosefinch | 12 |
17100 | Gimpel | Pyrrhula pyrrhula | Gim | Eurasian Bullfinch | 557 |
17170 | Kernbeißer | Coccothraustes coccothraustes | Kb | Hawfinch | 477 |
18470 | Spornammer | Calcarius lapponicus | SpA | Lapland bunting | 7 |
18500 | Schneeammer | Calcarius nivalis | xyx | Snow Bunting | 27 |
18570 | Goldammer | Emberiza citrinella | G | Yellowhammer | 517 |
18580 | Zaunammer | Emberiza cirlus | Za | Cirl Bunting | 7 |
18600 | Zippammer | Emberiza cia | Zip | Rock Bunting | 21 |
18660 | Ortolan | Emberiza hortulana | O | Ortolan Bunting | 38 |
18770 | Rohrammer | Emberiza schoeniclus | Ro | Common Reed Bunting | 457 |
18820 | Grauammer | Emberiza calandra | Ga | Corn Bunting | 52 |
18825 | Kappenammer | Emberiza melanocephala | EM | black-headed bunting | 1 |
18880 | Paradiskasarka | Tadorna variegata | PKK | Paradise Shelduck | 6 |
20980 | Zwergkanadagans | Branta hutchinsii | ZKG | Cackling goose | 6 |
24567 | Cabanisweber | Ploceus intermedius | cbw | Lesser masked weaver | 1 |
26380 | Rosenköpfchen | Agapornis roseicollis | AR | Peach-faced Lovebird | 1 |
26610 | Alexandersittich | Psittacula eupatria | AS | Alexandrine Parakeet | 29 |
26620 | Wellensittich | Melopsittacus undulatus | WS | Budgeriga | 8 |
26630 | Nymphensittich | Nymphicus hollandicus | NYM | Cockatiel | 20 |
60167 | Gluckente | Anas formosa | Anas for | The Baikal Teal | 21 |
111111 | Alpenkrähe | pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax | akr | chough | 1 |
111111 | Atlantiksturmtaucher | puffinus puffinus | ast | atlantic shearwater | 1 |
111111 | Zwergammer | Emberiza pusilla | zwa | Little Bunting | 3 |
111111 | Waldpieper | Anthus hodgsoni | wpie | ??? | 3 |
22222222 | Augenbrauenente | Anas superciliosa | Abe | Pacific Black Duck | 15 |